Sunday, November 05, 2006

CBI to Investigate "Morphing" allegation

CBI has started an interesting investigation on alleged morphing of a photograph published in a book. While the use of the country's highest investigating agency for a case of low priority indicates a political hand behind the order, the investigation is likely to be academically interesting.
From the reports the brief appears to be not only to confirm morphing of the photo but also to prove that Mrs Najma Hepthulla, a political rival of the ruling Congress Party had any hand in it. Since the end objective of the investigation appears to be to establish the role of Mrs Hepthulla, like the infamous Justice Bannerjee Committee which came to the conclusion that the Godhra train was burnt by the Karsevaks themselves, CBI may be able to find the conclusive finger print of Mrs Hepthulla in the morphed picture. If so, it will in deed be a remarkable investigation !. If CBI is unable to prove the link of Mrs Hepthulla to the morphing, it would be one great waste of public resource for political vendetta.
Does CBI has the forensic capability to identify "morphing" and "finger print of the user"?.. only time will tell.
